
Tuesday Tips (on Wednesday): Toddler Activities

This is probably not anything new to most of you, but just in case, I thought I'd share.  My mom used to let us play in the sink while she was working in the kitchen or doing other things nearby and it kept us busy for a very long time!  I have done this with many different children that I have babysat, and now, just this week started doing it with C, when I realized she was tall enough to reach.  (We actually did this several months ago, but she just sat in one side and played in the other side.)

I usually just fill the sink 1/3 - 1/2 full of lukewarm water and let her pour and splash to her heart's content.  This usually lasts about 30 minutes or more.  (I LOVE having her in the kitchen with me while I'm working.  It is delightful to me to have her nearby.  She talks with me and I love to hear her have her own conversations over "tea.")

We are still learning how to keep the water IN the sink, and to STOP pouring with the teacup is full, and to make LITTLE splashes...  thus the towels. :)

And then she figured out how to blow musical bubbles in the measuring cup...

And we were ALL incredibly entertained...

So much so, that I took a video to share with you all...


Angie said...

Oh the memories that come flooding back to my mind!!! LOVE IT :):):)


Collins said...

Adorable - I love the picture you got of her with her mouth on the measuring cup - so sweet! I let Lena stir a little flour in a plastic bowl for the first time yesterday and she was so proud! Thanks for the reminder to look for the little things.

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