
Five on Friday: Better late than never, right?

This is being posted much later in the day than I had anticipated, but we enjoyed my husband being off today for Veteran's Day, and we also have family in town for a few days.  My original list included 8 posts/websites to share with you, but I managed to get it down to 5! :-)

1) These tights are just too cute.  I just about started making some as soon as I finished reading the article.  My little lady might be wearing tights everyday of the year...

2) Sally Clarkson's post this week regarding bedtime routines was hugely encouraging to me.  We have always had a routine with C, but I was especially thankful for the reminder to continue spending this precious time with her and as she begins to talk, taking the time to listen.  "Though it did require a commitment of heart and time on my part, as often we were ready to put the day away for our 'own' time, I see now that this giving and ending with love meant so much to all of our children...Routines are often difficult to establish, but, when cultivated, they become a habit that gives life, love, and security.  It is still a gift to me that I now get to share the sweet fellowship best friends, my children when they are home, to tie together all the loose ends, in love and peace."

3) Speaking of listening...here's a good article on The Ministry of Listening.  And, lemme tell you...I've never really thought about listening as a ministry, but lately God is giving me PLENTY of opportunities to practice it.  I am a very driven person, so I'm all about being productive and crossing things off my to-do list.  Listening is HARD for me...but it's GOOD for me, and it's a blessing to those around me.  

4) This might be the article that I want you to read most, even if you skip the rest.  

5) Finally, it seems folks are all in a tizzy about Christmas decorations going up too soon.  Well...I like it, and the way I see it, we should be celebrating Christmas and Thanksgiving EVERY day of the year, so why not stretch out this focused season a little longer?!?  This is a great article with practical tips on Creating a Home of Thanksgiving all year long.

1 comment:

Angie said...

Read all the articles before you even wrote your post. :) They are all right on target. From someone who's "been there, done that" you will never regret the time you put in with your child. Keep up the good work and you will enjoy the fruits of your labor just as I have over the years and am continuing to enjoy with my daughter and now my granddaughter.

Love ya much,

Mumsy :)

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