
Five on Friday: talk about random...

1 -- This is my cell phone:
We have a pretty close relationship.  But after reading THIS article, and doing some serious evaluating, I've decided I don't want to be a parent who is "missing entire chunks of my child's life because of overworked thumbs."  So, we've decided to "see other people" -- interpreted: I will be seeing a lot more of my family and a lot less of my phone.

2 -- Sally makes the list again this week with her post, Choosing Joy, Choosing to Overcome.  Just to tempt you: "...godly character comes into play when we determine to make a choice to be an over-comer-one who will turn towards every obstacle of life with a heart of faith.  We have the choice and opportunity to accept our own "portion" with faith and fortitude that says, 'By God's grace, I will live this life, this moment today, with courage, strength, grace, and joy.  God is my strength.  God is with me.  God will guide me, and God will lead me through.' "  

3 -- My mother passed along this little delight...
Yes.  Please. 

4 -- Sherri over at the life of a wife always has colorful posts which I love.  This one on Bold Front Doors was beautiful.  I'm quite taken with the purple door, myself. 

5 -- And, finally, this video came to me through facebook in the grief and support poured out following my friend's eternal home-going.  It was too good to keep to myself. 

1 comment:

sherri lynn said...

Wow what a great excerpt from Sally's blog! And that pumpkin dessert looks divine! Thanks for the shout-out :)

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