
Five on Friday: Season Premiere

Maybe I should change it to Friday Five...I know it's just two letters but it seems SO much shorter.  Eh...I'll keep thinking about it.  Apparently this was the week for all the season premieres...I don't watch or keep up with much TV, and at best there's one show each season that I'm even slightly interested in watching.  TV just doesn't do it for me anymore.  We usually find ourselves watching the oldies station, when it's on at all.  But, in keeping with the recurring theme this week, welcome to the first episode of Five on Friday!  This is where I will post the 5 most interesting things I've discovered online (or elsewhere) this week.

BUT, before I get started on that, let me just post my favorite pin of the week from pinterest...it's my second favorite season, afterall, which in its own way is just wonderful because it is the prelude to my favorite season.

SO, while I sit here and enjoy my coffee with pumpkin spice creamer (not quite the same, but it will suffice), here's the Friday Five... 

1) I discovered this week that Sally Clarkson blogs HERE at I Take Joy.  She posted an excellent article this week, entitled The Kingdom of Home (click to read).  Here's a small excerpt to whet your appetite...
When I began to understand that the best and most lasting "work" I would ever do, was to build little souls, in my own home, for the kingdom of God, it gave me grand scope for my life.  Understanding that I would be responsible for accepting them into my arms and their very health from feeding at my breasts; to emotional well-being by attaching deeply to me as an infant; or stimulating their brains by talking with them, touching them, snuggling them and predisposing them to know the love of God by building pathways in their brain formation of love, acceptance, words of life, affection were the beginnings to my understanding of just how profound God had created the role of a mother to be.

2) My friend, Brite, over at Redefining Normal (click) posted about these super-cute and FREE printable  notecards:
click HERE to go directly to the site to print some 
(and don't be surprised if you get one of these from me soon...I'm desperately overdue in writing some thank you notes right now.)

3) It will be interesting to see if I can EVER get through a Friday Five post without including something having to do with food...  This "Lazy Sunday (roasted) Casserole" looks intriguing so I may be making it sometime this weekend or next...
click HERE to go to the recipe

4) Just this morning, there is a great article over at Passionate Homemaking (click) titled "Simple Toddler Learning Activities."  This is a great compilation of fun things to do with your toddler, requiring basic supplies that you either already have or can get very inexpensively.  Check out the post HERE.

5) click HERE to go to Family Circle magazine's website for a short slideshow of some fun things to do with gourds this Fall season...here's my favorite:

Alrighty -- there ya have it!  Any thoughts?  Should I continue the Five on Friday???  Have a great weekend!


brite said...

I think it's a great feature! I may follow suit, because there are lots of great things out there to share (but of course, we can't all visit ALL of them). It's a nicy tidy spot to share some links. Thanks especially for that first link- I'm looking forward to reading more!

Angie said...

LOVE IT! Saves me from having to hunt for things plus I just love the way you express things so it brings me delight when I read it. :)


Jess said...

Fun! First, can I say how much I also adore a pumpkin spice coffee? If there was nothing else to recommend fall, that would be enough:) Second, Sally clarkson lives 15 mins from me and opens her home for a bible study she leads twice a month, cool huh? Third, I also read passionate homemaking and fourth, I also printed those thank you cards :)

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