

6 days ago I posted about how my March goals were flying out the window...

I had no idea that less than 24 hours later I would be sitting in the ER of our local children's hospital with my daughter for her to receive fluids via IV as well as antibiotics for the UTI that was discovered while we were there.  Thankfully it was not a crazy emergency situation, but I realized on Wednesday morning that something was not "right" and a call to the pediatrician confirmed that we needed to go to the hospital.  I'm so, so, so thankful for the expertise that the doctors and nurses there have when it comes to working with children (and their parents!).  They were great.  We were all relieved when they said we could go home and didn't have to stay overnight.  By Thursday, we were already seeing significant improvements, although she continued to be very weak and tired.  Now, she is pretty much back to normal, aside from sleeping a little more than usual and eating to make up for lost time.  WOW...she has been SO hungry.

And, while I thought I had escaped the window of "contagion" by the time she was starting to improve, Friday night left me wondering, and by Saturday morning I was no longer wondering.  Yuck.  times a LOT.  I spent all day Saturday and the better part of Sunday in bed, and my sweet husband took care of daughter and the house, and tended to me.

So...those goals are just mocking me...mocking me, I tell you.

I did manage to read a book last week in the two afternoons that C took 3+ hour naps on the couch (waking only briefly to make sure I hadn't left her side...traumatic ER experiences do that to 3 year olds, apparently and understandably), and I'm about 50 pages away from finishing another...  not exactly the EIGHT I had hoped to finish for the month, but oh well.

C did get to participate in our church's annual Easter Egg Hunt last night which she has been looking forward to, and I enjoyed the quiet house for a little while.  Today I'm waging war on any remaining germs in hopes of keeping G from getting sick.  Laundry nazi, germ nazi...  I'm getting a reputation...

But, my body says it's not quite ready for "normal" yet, so I'm resting too.  I'm happy to stay inside away from the blustery snow flurries, and eat some homemade chicken noodle soup for lunch, graciously brought over by a sweet friend.  Another friend brought dinner over so I'm free from that responsibility tonight.  It is a blessing to be a part of the body of Christ, and this week has been another great reminder of that -- from prayers to kind words, phonecalls, meals offered/delivered, I am humbly grateful for these who have been the hands and feet of Jesus to us this week.

Here's to April....

(I'm not making any goals!)

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