
Thankful Thursday: Starting the New Year...

Ever since I started reading Ann Voskamp's book One Thousand Gifts, I've been keeping my own journal of things I'm thankful for, but it's been very sporadic and inconsistent.  I was thrilled to read this post on her blog and find the January list for the Joy Dare in 2012.  This will be my guide for actually listing at least 1000 things this year that I am truly thankful for.  3 things each day.  The part about this that makes it even more exciting is this is done so that you can photograph your thankfulness as well.  I love how Ann's posts include photos, and hope to include some on mine as well.  Since I'm a little behind in getting this up, I have almost 2 weeks worth of thanks and pictures, so bear with the long post this time.  

Gifts...  #1-15
- organization; cleanliness; the gift of loving others passionately
- the sun reflecting off of the deck, making the dining room glow
- breakfast for dinner
- "My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness..."
- "Be strong and courageous, do not be terrified"
- "Isn't He wonderful?"
- old handmade doilies from my Great Aunt; new handmade doilies for Christmas
- a blue glass basket from my brother as a wedding gift
- Scripture all around me, permeating my home
- this list of things for which to be thankful
- a clean, comfortable home, far more than I deserve

Gifts #16 - 39

- disposable diapers 
- leftover "Christmas Milk" after naptime
- the gift of gentleness, modeled to me by my own mother
- my husband gently cleaning up after me when I've been sick
- my mother caring for my precious little one 
- my daughter who is already modeling gentleness (1 Peter 3:4)
- watching the candle flickering
- showering...after not showering for 3+ days (a personal record!)
- the shadow of her hand in mine walking to the mailbox
- flowers from a friend
- clean, folded laundry in neat piles
- the end of the day, cuddling as a family, reading & praying
- watching her face eating lemons
- Chocolate Peanut Butter balls leftover from Christmas
- his arms gently around me
- light reflecting on yellow walls making all seem aglow
- the clean-ness of lemons
- discovering a book highlighted by a previous reader
- clouds heavy with snow (hopefully)
- warm fuzzy socks
- my precious girl snuggling close in the morning
- her small voice..."Isn't He wonderful, Isn't Jesus my Lord, wonderful?"
- heat blowing through my warm home

- her pens scratching away at the paper while she creates

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1 comment:

sherri lynn said...

Beautiful pictures! I love that you're making a thankful list! I should do this!

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