
Monday Musings: God's Love & Goodness

You'll notice on the left side of the page, my reading list -- these are books that I am meandering my way through.  Some slower than others.  I am excited to be participating in a Women's Bible Study at our church where we are studying the following book: 

click HERE to check it out on amazon

As I was preparing for the lesson last week (and catching up since I was a week behind!), there were two quotes that I found particularly insightful, so I decided to share those as part of Monday Musings this week.

Put together all the tenderest love you know of, the deepest you have ever felt, and the strongest that has ever been poured out upon you, and heap upon it all the love of all the loving human hearts in the world, and then multiply it by infinity, and you will begin, perhaps, to have some faint glimpse
 of what the love of God is.
Hannah Whitall Smith

The Truth is, God IS good.  Whether or not His choices seem good to us, He is good.  Whether or not we feel it, He is good.  Whether or not it seems true in my life or yours, He is still good.
Nancy Leigh DeMoss

And, finally, a quote that I saw on....wait for it...pinterest. :)

PS -- I had no idea on Saturday when I posted about The Tone of Home (click), that Courtney over at Women Living Well (click) was bringing back the "Making Home a Haven Fall Challenge."  I read these posts last year and really enjoyed them.  I was excited last night to see that this 31 day challenge will happen again this year for the month of October.  Click HERE to read more.

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