
secrets of a homemaker...

as homemakers, we have certain *secrets*, tricks of the trade we'll call them....shortcuts. you know...those substitutions you make when you realize you don't have time for the actual thing, or ingredient... using the dustbuster to hit the *high* spots instead of vacuuming, spot-cleaning the floor instead of actually mopping the whole thing, using regular milk and vinegar or lemon juice instead of buttermilk...the list goes on and on... or maybe you don't do those things... well, confession time... i do. not all the time, but sometimes....sometimes substitutions must be made. and i've found a secret that i hope you'll love...

there is a reason this bottle is sitting on my dining room table and not on the shelf in my closet. at the time the picture was taken, i had just used this lovely product to free my tablecloth of its wrinkles before company arrived. i love to iron, but i don't love to iron tablecloths. solution: try to grab the tablecloth out of the dryer as soon as it's finished, put it on the table, spray with downy, smooth out the wrinkles, and enjoy. not quite as crisp as an ironed finish, but definitely more acceptable than the wrinkly-just-out-of-the-dryer-look.

(it also works well on clothes, imagine that(!), and i find it's very helpful to keep a bottle in my travel bag, purse, diaper bag...you get the idea. the travel size is around $1.50 at walmart and target.)

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