
May 1 & 2...

Seriously...?  How is it May already?  When we received a new camera in February, I thought about the photo-a-day in May and was excited to be able to post better quality photos...but it seemed like such a long way off...and here we are. 

Here's to a strong start for photo-a-day in the month of May!  Some days there may be more than one photo depending on how many I've actually taken that day and how hard it is to narrow it down...  Here's hoping I can take at least one photo each day.  I'm not following any kind of suggested object schedule this year, just free-stylin'.  Enjoy.

May 1 - she decided her stuffed animals needed bathing...and hey, check out that outfit, yo!

May 1 - We made dinner, and she provided dessert...

May 2 - Loves to work play in the garden...no clue where she gets it...

May 2 - Here's to sunny days spent playing in the sand!
(and shirts that are too small but too loved to part with!)

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