
Monday Musings: They who matter most...

"Her children arise and call her blessed;
her husband also and he praises her."
Proverbs 31:28

Last week, I finished reading an eBook about Proverbs 31. You can get a copy of the book for free here. The book is good, but I was particularly struck by the meditations on the last few verses.

This verse (28) in particular..."who is praising her? it's not the people in the PTA, her church Bible study group, local newspaper, co-workers, or neighborhood association. It is her children... Arising and blessing their mother is not just about the 'thank you' but about them arising and living honorable, noble, God-fearing lives. This fruit is evidence of a mother's hard work. This is a mother's true reward."

Too often, we get distracted from what is our primary calling as wives/mothers, because there are so many {good} opportunities in our daily lives. But, when it gets right down to it, if our husbands and children are not first and foremost {after God, of course}, then we are not fulfilling our Biblical calling.

In Sally Clarkson's post here, she says,

"One of the great accomplishments and most fulfilling purposes and work of a godly woman is to become a conductor of all that is good, true, and beautiful in the minds, souls, and lives of her children... It is not about curriculum, it is about life and investment, and mentoring, and joy. We dance to His truth and leading in front of our children and they become familiar with the ways and values of the Master Artist as we celebrate Him in our homes, and they in turn dance the steps in their own lives."

And, then also, verse 30 of Proverbs 31:

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."

This was the verse of the week for the card that we keep on the windowsill above the kitchen sink, so I read it a LOT last week, and then I read Courtney's thoughts about it in the eBook...

"The woman who fears the Lord will have a God consciousness. She will be aware of God's presence in her home at all times. She will work tirelessly and sacrificially to create a home that is filled with peace, joy, and comfort. This woman loves the Lord and desires to please him. She serves her husband and children because of her higher desire to please the Lord."

If that's not inspiration, I don't know what is. But, in case you're still lacking, here's a tribute to a godly woman who truly loved her husband and family. She is a stranger to me, but after reading her daughter's tribute to her, I aspire to be like her.

"You have received so much love - share it with others. Love others the way that God has loved you, with tenderness."
~Mother Theresa

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