
Five on Friday

1) This post echoed the groanings of my own heart as of late in whether or not by my "multi-tasking" (normally a good thing) I'm really WITH my family.  I may be present in body, but notsomuch in mind.  I've been making it a point to close the laptop, leave the phone in another room (where I can't hear it), and really focus on playing with my daughter without so many distractions.  This is hard.  My type-A personality wants to be productive ALL the time, and I often forget that nurturing her little soul is one of the most productive things I can do right now.

2) 12 Simple Ways of Cooking for Christmas -- these menus look delightful and I love that there are all kinds for various events and entertaining opportunities, gift giving,  fun with kids, etc.

3) Need a gift idea for a mom-to-be?  Check out these adorable gowns, appropriate for before, during, and after giving birth.  A little pricey, but super-cute!

4) We had Baked Pumpkin Oatmeal for breakfast one morning this week...OH yum!  My daughter LOVES it and keeps asking for me to make it again.  We enjoyed ours with milk poured over top and sprinkled with brown sugar.

5) Finally, Halloween is something that we have pondered more specifically since our daughter was born.  We are still figuring out how we as a family will handle this "holiday."  This article is thought-provoking, albeit long.  Still not sure where I/We are on this yet, but we will continue to read, study, pray and ponder.

Have a great weekend!!

1 comment:

brite said...

Those gowns are so cute- I'm sure they could be replicated and made for less. Thanks for the link!

And Friday is baked oatmeal day around here, but we usually just do peach or blueberry. This will be a fun variation for next week!

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