
weekends are for singing...

Please pardon our messy hair, and notice our favorite shirt...the one with the fireworks!

C loves the song "Wheels on the Bus", or perhaps you remember that...  Her Grandma brought her a cd and dvd that has this song on it, and on the dvd they sing through the song a second time going FAST...She loves it and she loves to show us how she can keep up with it...

C's version of the Alphabet song is most amusing...listen closely...and it sounds something like: a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k, imma gone to p. t,q,s,t,u,b,double x, y, and z...

This would be the express version of "I'm a little teapot..."

And finally, what video compilation would be complete without "Jesus Loves Me???"

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