earlier in the day i had been reading this book...
...and happened upon Julia's wisdom for making omelets...which i found so...er...well...here's what she had to say...
"Set the omelet pan over highest heat, add the butter, and tilt pan in all directions to film the bottom and sides. When the butter foam has almost subsided but just before the butter browns, pour in the eggs. Shake the pan briefly by its handle to spread the eggs over the bottom of the pan. Hold still for several seconds while the eggs coagulate on the bottom. Then start jerking the pan toward you, throwing the egg mass against the far edge. Keep jerking roughly, gradually lifting up by the handle and tilting the far edge of the pan over the heat as the omelet begins to roll over on itself. Push any stray egg back into the mass with the rubber spatula, then bang on the handle close to the pan with your fist and the omelet will start curling at its far edge. To unmold, rapidly turn the pan handle to your right and grab its underside with your right hand, palm up under the handle and thumb on top. Holding the plate in your left hand, tilt pan and plate toward each other, turning the pan down over the plate, and the omelet falls into place."
uh-huh. anyone else confused? that's a lot of jerking, lifting, tilting, banging, and turning... just sayin'. SO...we had scrambled egg mess with some ham, green peppers, and tomatoes thrown in to make it SEEM like an omelet. currently taking all advice regarding making omelets...but NOT if it resembles the above...
I love making omelets!! It took practice but I finally got something that works. Instead of cooking on high I put the heat at like a 6 or 7 and cook it a little longer until the edges of the omelet are starting to firm up, kind of like how you wait till pancake edges start to bubble. then i fold it over and let the center that spills out cook a bit then i flip it again wrapping the omelet in the freshly cooked egg and keep doing that until it is compact and contained (usually 2 flips) then put it on a plate and enjoy :)
I expect a demonstration when next you are here. :-) I am a visual learner.
done and done! its a date :)
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