Showing posts with label Monday Musings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Monday Musings. Show all posts


Monday Musings: Begone...

begone: to go away, depart.  used especially in the imperative.

Begone Unbelief

Begone unbelief, my Savior is near,
And for my relief, will surely appear:
By faith let me wrestle with God in the storm
And help me my Savior, the faith to adorn
And help me my Savior, the faith to adorn.

Though dark be my way, since He is my guide,
'Tis mine to obey, and His to provide;
Though cisterns be broken, and creatures all fail,
The word He has spoken will surely prevail,
The word He has spoken will surely prevail.

Why should I complain of want or distress?
Temptation or pain?  He told me no less.
The heirs of salvation, I know from His word
Through much tribulation must follow their Lord,
Through much tribulation must follow their Lord.

Since all that I meet will work for my good,
The bitter is sweet, the medicine food;
Though painful at present, will cease before long
And then, O! how glorious, the conqueror's song!
And then, O! how glorious, the conqueror's song!

Begone unbelief, the Savior is here
Begone unbelief, the Savior is here 
Begone unbelief, the Savior is here 
Though cisterns be broken, and creatures all fail
The word He has spoken will surely prevail
The word He has spoken will surely prevail.

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Monday Musings: Praying for our Children...

I recently finished reading {for the 2nd and probably not the last time} Ginger Plowman's book, "Don't Make Me Count to Three."  Like most parenting books, it was great and I didn't agree with everything but came away with a lot of good stuff.  But, it was an appendix that really struck me, and that is what I want to share with you today.

To pray for our children directly from God's Word is to pray in harmony with God's perfect will for their lives.  It is to bind up our shallow and vain desires and unleash the wisdom and power of our mighty Lord.  When we pray from God's Word, we surrender our foolish misconceptions of what is best by acknowledging that God's ways are not our ways.  To pray from the Scriptures is to seek the will of the Father rather than the will of the parent.

Why should we pray?

Prayer is a command of God - "Be joyful always; pray continually; giving thanks to God in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." (1Thessalonians 5:16-18)

Prayer draws us near to God - "What other nation is so great as to have their gods near them the way the Lord our God is near us whenever we pray to him?" (Deuteronomy 4:7)

Prayer releases God's power - "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.  The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." (James 5:16)

I have talked before about how I like to write out Scripture for the purpose of meditation and memorization. This would be a(nother) good list to write out...

What should we pray?

Pray that our children would come to salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.  
1 Timothy 2:3-4

Pray that they would honor and obey us as their parents as well as those in authority over them.  
Ephesians 6:1-3
Hebrews 13:17

Pray that the Lord would surround them with godly friends and role models.
2 Corinthians 15:33
Proverbs 13:20
Proverbs 27:17

Pray that the Lord would implant into their hearts a hunger and thirst for him.
Psalm 42:1-2

Pray that the Lord would give them the Spirit of wisdom and revelation so that they might know him better.
Ephesians 1:17

Pray that the eyes of their hearts would always be enlightened in order that they might know the hope to which he has called them.
Ephesians 1:18

Pray that they would always follow the truth and reject the lies of Satan.
Proverbs 22:3
Titus 2:11-12

Pray that they would bear much fruit for God's glory.
Galatians 5:22-23
Ephesians 2:10
1 John 3:16-18

Pray that they would flee temptation.
1 Corinthians 10:13
2 Timothy 2:22-26

Pray that they would use their gifts and talents to honor the Lord.
Proverbs 16:3
1 Corinthians 10:31

Pray that they would have freedom from fear as they trust in the Lord.
Psalm 56:13
2 Thessalonians 3:16
2 Timothy 1:7

Pray that they would keep themselves pure for their future mates.
1 Corinthians 10:8
Hebrews 13:4

Pray that the Lord would bring godly mates into their lives.
2 Corinthians 6:14-16

Pray that they would take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ.
2 Corinthians 10:5
Philippians 4:8

Pray that they would become more like him.
Romans 8:28-29

We must realize that every blessing, every trial, and every heart-breaking event has been filtered through his hands of love.  We must have full confidence in God's sovereignty.

Study your children and know what is going on in their lives so you will know how to pray specifically for each one of them.  Ask your children how you can pray for them.  Pray the Word of God for your children.  Pray out loud with them.  Pray often.  Pray conversationally as though you are talking to someone in the room with you.  Pray everywhere - indoors, outdoors, driving in the car, feeding the cat - so your child realizes his Heavenly Father is always available.

Prayer will not only draw you closer to God, but it will draw you closer to your children.  Encourage your children to pray about everything.  Assure them that God will faithfully meet their every need!

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Monday Musings: They who matter most...

"Her children arise and call her blessed;
her husband also and he praises her."
Proverbs 31:28

Last week, I finished reading an eBook about Proverbs 31. You can get a copy of the book for free here. The book is good, but I was particularly struck by the meditations on the last few verses.

This verse (28) in particular..."who is praising her? it's not the people in the PTA, her church Bible study group, local newspaper, co-workers, or neighborhood association. It is her children... Arising and blessing their mother is not just about the 'thank you' but about them arising and living honorable, noble, God-fearing lives. This fruit is evidence of a mother's hard work. This is a mother's true reward."

Too often, we get distracted from what is our primary calling as wives/mothers, because there are so many {good} opportunities in our daily lives. But, when it gets right down to it, if our husbands and children are not first and foremost {after God, of course}, then we are not fulfilling our Biblical calling.

In Sally Clarkson's post here, she says,

"One of the great accomplishments and most fulfilling purposes and work of a godly woman is to become a conductor of all that is good, true, and beautiful in the minds, souls, and lives of her children... It is not about curriculum, it is about life and investment, and mentoring, and joy. We dance to His truth and leading in front of our children and they become familiar with the ways and values of the Master Artist as we celebrate Him in our homes, and they in turn dance the steps in their own lives."

And, then also, verse 30 of Proverbs 31:

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."

This was the verse of the week for the card that we keep on the windowsill above the kitchen sink, so I read it a LOT last week, and then I read Courtney's thoughts about it in the eBook...

"The woman who fears the Lord will have a God consciousness. She will be aware of God's presence in her home at all times. She will work tirelessly and sacrificially to create a home that is filled with peace, joy, and comfort. This woman loves the Lord and desires to please him. She serves her husband and children because of her higher desire to please the Lord."

If that's not inspiration, I don't know what is. But, in case you're still lacking, here's a tribute to a godly woman who truly loved her husband and family. She is a stranger to me, but after reading her daughter's tribute to her, I aspire to be like her.

"You have received so much love - share it with others. Love others the way that God has loved you, with tenderness."
~Mother Theresa


Monday Musings: My Father is...

This was something that I saw on Pinterest, and as an exercise for myself, I hope to write out each of these verses.  What a great way to meditate on our Heavenly Father this Christmas season!

My Father is:

  • Loving - John 3:16
  • Caring - Matthew 6:26
  • Forgiving - Psalm 103:12
  • Compassionate - Psalm 103:4-5
  • Giving - Romans 8:32
  • Understanding - Psalm 139:1-2
  • Accepting - Psalm 139:1-6
  • Satisfying - Psalm 107:9
  • Persistently Pursuing - Luke 19:10
  • Reasonable - Isaiah 1:18
  • Pardoning - Psalm 103:3
  • Healing - Isaiah 53:5
  • Redeeming - Job 19:25
  • Loving-Kindness - Psalm 86:15
  • Renews - Isaiah 40:31
  • Righteous - Jeremiah 9:23-24
  • Gracious - Ephesians 1:7-8
  • Sovereign - Psalm 103:19


Monday Musings: Sin

This list comes from Lies Women Believe, and as an exercise for myself while on vacation in October, I wrote out each verse.  Things stick in your mind better if you write them out -- at least they do for me.  I'd encourage you to at least look up and read the verses, and make time to write them out.  It's enlightening.

  • Sin steals joy.  Psalm 51:12
  • Sin removes confidence.  1 John 3:19-21
  • Sin brings guilt.  Psalm 51:3
  • Sin gives Satan the upper hand.  2 Corinthians 2:9-11
  • Sin quenches God's Spirit.  1 Thessalonians 5:19
  • Sin brings physical damage.  Psalm 31:10; 38:1-11
  • Sin cases an ache in the soul.  Psalm 32:3-4
  • Sin breaks God's heart.  Ephesians 4:30
  • Sin opens the door to other sins.  Isaiah 30:1
  • Sin breaks fellowship with God.  Isaiah 59:1-2
  • Sin produces fear.  Proverbs 28:1
  • Sin makes me its slave.  John 8:34, Romans 6:16


Monday Musings: Time...

I haven't heard or thought of (that I remember) this hymn since I was a little girl.  But, it came to my mind as I was fretting over circumstances that prevented me from getting the December Photo Project started on time.  I know a photo project is a trivial thing, but it was a good reminder to me that I don't operate on my time as I like to think...I operate on God's time.  And there's nothing I can do to change that.  I need to accept it.  I need to embrace it.  I need to be thankful for God's time and that He knows what is best for me.

My times are in Thy hand; my God I wish them there;
My life, my friends, my soul I leave entirely to Thy care.

My times are in Thy hand; whatever they may be;
Pleasing or painful, dark or bright, as best may seem to Thee.

My times are in They hand; why should I doubt or fear?
My Father's hand will never cause His child a needless tear.

My times are in Thy hand, Jesus, the crucified!
Those hands my cruel sins had pierced 
are now my guard and guide.

My times are in Thy hand, I'll always trust in Thee;
And, after death, at Thy right hand I shall forever be.

A quick google search for this hymn also produced a link to Spurgeon's sermon "My Times Are In Thy Hand."  I have always enjoyed Spurgeon, and this time is no different.

To have our times in God’s hand must mean not only that they are at God’s disposal, but that they are arranged by the highest wisdom. God’s hand never errs; and if our times are in his hand, those times are ordered rightly. We need not puzzle our brains to understand the dispensations of Providence: a much easier and wiser course is open to us; namely, to believe the hand of the Lord works all things for the best. Sit thou still, O child, at thy great Father’s feet, and let him do as seemeth him good! When thou canst not comprehend him, know that a babe cannot understand the wisdom of its sire. Thy Father comprehends all things, though thou dost not: let his wisdom be enough for thee. Everything in the hand of God is where it may be left without anxiety; and it is where it will be carried through to a prosperous issue. Things prosper which are in his hand. “My times are in thy hand,” is an assurance that none can disturb, or pervert, or poison them. In that hand we rest as securely as rests a babe upon its mother’s breast. Where could our interests be so well secured as in the eternal hand? What a blessing it is to see by the eye of faith all things that concern you grasped in the hand of God! What peace as to every matter which could cause anxiety flows into the soul when we see all our hopes built upon so stable a foundation, and preserved by such supreme power! “My times are in thy hand!”



Monday Musings: the fundamentals...

As we head into this very busy month (many of us are already very much immersed), these two verses are heavy on my mind and heart...because they are challenging...especially right now.

"Be still, and know that I am God.
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth."
Psalm 46:10

Take time this Christmas season, to just be still and reflect on God and His place in your life... one of my favorite times to do this, is early morning or late at night, when the rest of the house is sleeping, and I curl up on couch with a mug of something warm to drink, turn off all the lights except for the Christmas tree, have some soft instrumental Christmas music playing, and just enjoy the calm.

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing,
give thanks in ALL circumstances;
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
1 Thessalonians 5:16

It's easy to get caught up in the commercialization of this season, and when you're stuck in holiday traffic, holiday shopping lines, running late for a party, drowning in a sea of to-do lists, feeling tension in relationships, dealing with fussy children, and all the other stresses that impose themselves upon us during this month, it is HARD to do these three things...but this is God's will for us. Make a special effort to plan ahead so that you are better able to do these things and when those trials come, try to remember to whole-heartedly rejoice (not just over a great sale!), pray without ceasing (not just about that long line of red taillights in front of you!), and to give thanks in ALL circumstances (not just the ones that are easy and obvious!).

These things are what I am preaching to myself today. Hope they are encouraging to you also.

If you missed my Thanksgiving post, you can read it here.


Monday Musings: Notes from the Marriage Conference

We were able to attend a marriage conference on Friday night and Saturday morning, so I decided to share a few of my notes from that with you today.  Not a lot, because that wouldn't be fair to the speaker, but just a few things...

3 Treasure Principles:
- Everyone lives for some kind of treasure.
- The thing that is your treasure will control your heart.
- What controls your heart will control your behavior.

The things that you name as treasure will always deepen and propel your marriage OR they will victimize your marriage.

Marriages must be fixed vertically before they can be fixed horizontally.

Love is willing self-sacrifice for the good of another that doesn't demand reciprocation or that the person being loved is deserving.

Love loves to love...are you willing?
There is no such thing as love that doesn't require sacrifice.
Is your marriage a chronicle of daily sacrifices?
Love looks to the interest of others.
Love is not a contract; it is a sacrifice.

"Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God.  Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God...This is how God showed his love among us; He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.  This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.  Dear friends, since God so loved us this way, we also ought to love one another."
1 John 4:7-11


Monday Musings (on Tuesday): Hope

"Hope is not the conviction that something will turn out well, 
but the certainty that something makes sense 
regardless of how it turns out."  

And, I'd like to add, that it doesn't make sense because we see the logic in it, or because we understand it, but it makes sense because we know that God is in control of it and nothing happens apart from His perfect plan, and THAT is what makes sense, my friends.

My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus' blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus' name.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.

When darkness veils His lovely face,
I rest on His unchanging grace;
In every high and stormy gale
My anchor holds within the veil.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.

His oath, His covenant, and blood
Support me in the whelming flood;
When every earthly prop gives way,
He then is all my Hope and Stay.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.

When He shall come with trumpet sound,
Oh, may I then in Him be found,
Clothed in His righteousness alone,
Faultless to stand before the throne!
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.
*We're a bit behind over here at the Eagle's Nest, so hopefully we'll have the Tuesday Tips post up tomorrow.  Thanks for your patience. :-)


Monday Musings: The Gift of Being Woman

"The woman was uniquely designed and equipped - physiologically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually - by her Creator to be a bearer and nurturer of life.  In a multitude of ways, she was endowed with the ability to add life, beauty, richness, fullness, grace and joy to the family unit.  There is no greater measure of her worth or success as a woman than the extent to which she serves as the heart of her home."

That quote comes from Nancy Leigh DeMoss in Lies Women Believe.  What a great privilege we have as women!  But, how quick we are to complain or find excuses for NOT fulfilling our roles.  I thought this was such a beautiful expression of what God intended for us to do and be.  

The picture was taken back in October's sunset...  if it weren't for the sun, they would just be a bunch of dark clouds rolling through...they would be interesting and maybe beautiful, but not nearly as beautiful as they are with the sun shining through them and highlighting them.  For this post, I was just looking through some old photos trying to find a scenery shot...  But the more I looked at this one, the more appropriate it seemed.  We, as women, have the opportunity to be the sun to our families...not that our families are dark clouds, but we have the privilege of adding life, beauty, richness, fullness, grace and joy to the family unit.  Are we fulfilling this call or is the privilege looking like a burden?

It's easy to think that this might apply only to women who are married and mothers, but I would challenge women in every stage of life to look at your own lives and see how you are being/can be a nurturer of life.

This post is not meant to be discouraging...  I feel uplifted when I read that quote because it is so exciting to see how God has gifted us for the roles He has provided for us.  I hope you are encouraged also.


Monday Musings: Voices...

Songs can be so powerful.  When lyrics are paired with music, it speaks to the soul.  But, sometimes, when those lyrics are separated from the music and we read and focus on them, it speaks even deeper.  I have often found it so moving to reflect on song lyrics, so that is what I'm posting today.  

Yesterday morning, while I was out know, shocking...I heard this song on pandora.  Of course, I've heard it many times before, but yesterday it struck me differently so I'm sharing it with you today.  Even if you've heard it before, take time to really read the words (and if you have any thoughts, feel free to share them with us).

Oh what I would do to have the kind of faith it takes
To climb out of this boat I'm in onto the crashing waves
To step out of my comfort zone
To the realm of the unknown where Jesus is
And He's holding out His hand

But the waves are calling out my name and they laugh at me
Reminding me of all the times I've tried before and failed 
The waves they keep on telling me 
Time and time again, "Boy, you'll never win."
"You'll never win."

But the voice of Truth tells me a different story
And the voice of Truth says, "Do not be afraid."
And the voice of Truth says, "This is for My glory."
Out of all the voices calling out to me
I will choose to listen and believe the voice of Truth.

Oh what I would do to have the kind of faith it takes
To stand before a giant.
With just a sling and a stone
Surrounded by the sound of a thousand warriors, shaking in their armor
Wishing they'd have had the strength to stand.

But the giant's calling out my name and he laughs at me
Reminding me of all the times I've tried before and failed.
The giant keeps on telling me time and time again,
"Boy, you'll never win.  You'll never win."

But the voice of Truth tells me a different story
And the voice of Truth says, "Do not be afraid."
And the voice of Truth says, "This is for My glory."
Out of all the voices calling out to me
I will choose to listen and believe the voice of Truth.

But the stone was just the right size
To put the giant on the ground
And the waves they don't seem so high
From on top of them looking down
I will soar with the wings of eagles
When I stop and listen to the sound of Jesus singing over me

But the voice of Truth tells me a different story
And the voice of Truth says, "Do not be afraid."
And the voice of Truth says, "This is for My glory."
Out of all the voices calling out to me
I will choose to listen and believe the voice of Truth.

**Giveaway Winner to be announced later today**


Monday Musings: A Big, Wise God

I have two musings for today. The first comes from a book I've been reading entitled, "Grieving the Child I Never Knew" In the left column of this page is my reading pile...from that you can gather that I have a hard time saying "no"...even to books. :-)

The last 2 months have been some of the toughest of my life, if not THE toughest. This paragraph from the book pretty much sums it up.

"God worked through this child to teach me many life lessons. On different days I laughed, cried, learned the necessity of silence and solitude, released control, allowed others to encourage me, and saw my faith soar. I tasted humility and surrender, and I learned what it means to enjoy every moment. I learned how precious praying friends are, and I learned how faithful and loving God is to care about me personally. I didn't know what the future held, but I was certain of WHO held the future."

It is HARD to trust God. It is HARD to realize that He does in fact know what is best for us, even when it seems that it couldn't possibly be a good thing! One day last week, my daughter was VERY tired and needed a nap. I knew she needed a nap, but in her mind, she WANTED to keep playing and doing what she thought was best. But, she was being continually frustrated and just all around grumpy. When I mentioned the idea of a nap, it was NOT PRETTY. Complete meltdown. Over a little nap. Yowza. But, I gently picked her up and carried her back to her room, kissed her sweet little forehead, told her I loved her, and laid her down in her bed where she promptly fell asleep in about 2 minutes. literally. As I was working around the house, I was re-playing the whole incident in my head and I realized that when it comes to MY life...I'm the little girl who doesn't want to do what God tells me to, or what He thinks is best... And, yeah, I get pretty bent out of shape over what are really small things, but seem like big things. But, He gently carries me and reminds me of His love for me. It was a pretty clear picture for me. That doesn't really make it any easier, but I keep coming back to it when things seem like they aren't going the way that I think they should. God has a plan, and His plan is perfect.


Monday Musings: Remembering the beach in pictures (pt 2 of 2)

All creatures of our God and King,
Lift up your voice and with us sing, 
Alleluia, Alleluia!
Thou burning sun with golden beam,
Thou silver moon with softer gleam,
Oh praise Him, O praise Him!
Alleluia, Alleluia!  Alleluia!

Thou rushing wind that are so strong,
Ye clouds that sail in Heaven along,
O praise Him, Alleluia!
Thou rushing morn in praise rejoice,
Ye lights of evening find a voice,
Oh praise Him, O praise Him!
Alleluia, Alleluia!  Alleluia!

Thou flowing water pure and clear,
Make music for thy Lord to hear,
Alleluia, Alleluia!
Thou fire so masterful and bright,
That givest man both warmth and light
Oh praise Him, O praise Him!
Alleluia, Alleluia!  Alleluia!

All ye men of tender heart
Forgiving others take your part
O sing ye!  Alleluia!
Ye who long pain and sorrow bear
Praise God and on Him cast your care
Oh praise Him, O praise Him!
Alleluia, Alleluia!  Alleluia!

Let all things their Creator bless
And worship Him in humbleness
O praise Him!  Alleluia!
Praise, praise the Father, praise the Son
And praise the Spirit, Three in One
Oh praise Him, O praise Him!
Alleluia, Alleluia!  Alleluia!

(The hymn listed above is a very popular one and perhaps you just skimmed over it.  I encourage you to take a moment and reflect on the words.  I couldn't stop singing it (in my head) all week while we were at the beach.  On our second day there, (at the initiation of my husband) we listened to Tim Keller's sermon entitled, The Song of Creation.  It is absolutely worth the 30ish minutes spent listening to it, particularly the second half.  You can listen to it for free, HERE.)


Monday Musings: A Happy Home

Yesterday, I posted this quote on facebook:

The woman who makes a sweet, beautiful home,
filling it with love and prayer and purity,
is doing something better than anything else
her hands could find to do beneath the skies.
J.R. Miller

On pinterest, I have a board entitled, "the dream home..." -- click HERE to view it. Of course, these are beautiful pictures of homes and rooms. But, really, the ultimate dream home (on this earth) should look something like this:

Happy the home when God is there,
and love fills every breast;
when one their wish, and one their prayer
and one their heavenly rest.

Happy the home where Jesus' name
is sweet to every ear;
where children early speak his fame
and parents hold him dear.

Happy the home where prayer is heard,
and praise is wont to rise,
where parents love the sacred Word
and all its wisdom prize.

Lord, let us in our homes agree
this blessed peace to gain;
unite our hearts in love to thee,
and love to all will reign.

Henry Ware, Jr. (1794-1843)


Monday Musings: God's Love & Goodness

You'll notice on the left side of the page, my reading list -- these are books that I am meandering my way through.  Some slower than others.  I am excited to be participating in a Women's Bible Study at our church where we are studying the following book: 

click HERE to check it out on amazon

As I was preparing for the lesson last week (and catching up since I was a week behind!), there were two quotes that I found particularly insightful, so I decided to share those as part of Monday Musings this week.

Put together all the tenderest love you know of, the deepest you have ever felt, and the strongest that has ever been poured out upon you, and heap upon it all the love of all the loving human hearts in the world, and then multiply it by infinity, and you will begin, perhaps, to have some faint glimpse
 of what the love of God is.
Hannah Whitall Smith

The Truth is, God IS good.  Whether or not His choices seem good to us, He is good.  Whether or not we feel it, He is good.  Whether or not it seems true in my life or yours, He is still good.
Nancy Leigh DeMoss

And, finally, a quote that I saw on....wait for it...pinterest. :)

PS -- I had no idea on Saturday when I posted about The Tone of Home (click), that Courtney over at Women Living Well (click) was bringing back the "Making Home a Haven Fall Challenge."  I read these posts last year and really enjoyed them.  I was excited last night to see that this 31 day challenge will happen again this year for the month of October.  Click HERE to read more.


Some New Features...

I decided I wanted to incorporate some regular "themed" posts into my blogging.  Being the over-achiever that I am, I at first tried to have a theme for every day of the week, but then I realized 1) I don't (often can't) post EVERY day of the week, and 2) Sometimes I like to be random and I would be SO limited if I had to keep up with a theme EVERY single day.  SO, I found 3 themes that I like and will probably try to post in accordance with those.  But, since I'm making the rules, I can break them, so don't be surprised...

Monday Musings...  This will be for Scripture that I've found particularly meaningful recently, poems, song lyrics, and quotes.  I love quotes and I have a couple notebooks full of them, as well as several books of them. And then there's the internet which makes finding good quotes much easier these days!  Here's one I saw recently on pinterest that is a new favorite...

Tuesday Tips...  This is where I will attempt to pass on little tidbits to make your life easier.  No real limitations for what the tips pertain to, so....  consider yourselves warned. ;-)

Five on Friday...  This is a pretty popular one (though known by other names).  I will keep account of the most interesting (to me) things I find online during the week and post them all on Friday...well, the best 5 anyway.  No limits here either, so prepare yourselves for the randomosity.  (I think I just created a new word!)

A new feature is that you can now print the recipes that I post on here.  I tried to go back through and add that to previous posts and it will be included in upcoming ones as well.  You can view all of the recipes posted at Eagle's Nest HERE.  Many thanks to Lauren at Only From Scratch for passing along this tutorial to me! other thing to note.  I have, up until recently, typed all posts in lowercase.  It was recently brought to my attention that perhaps this is somewhat bothersome to some very faithful readers...  ahem.  SO...back to caps it least, the correct use of caps.  You wouldn't want me typing in all caps all the time, because it would seem like I WAS CONSTANTLY YELLING AT YOU!  see?

I'm always looking for new post material, so if you have any topics you'd like to see covered here, please let me know.  As always, thanks for reading. :)
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