Showing posts with label remodeling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label remodeling. Show all posts


Master Bathroom Remodel...

Hello long-lost friends!  I'm checking in after 8 months of not blogging to share with you our latest home-remodel project.  I can't believe we've lived here for 8 years now...  It's time to start re-doing some of the projects we completed and maybe getting around to some of the ones that we have never tackled.  I hope these posts will be more frequent as we work through our long list of home updates.

Everybody loves a good before/after post, right?!?  Here goes...


So, you'll notice we had some leaking going on around the toilet, and the tile-board in the shower was coming off in chunks.  So. Much. Yuck.

Typically with remodeling projects, things look worse before they look better...these next few pictures reveal the guts of our bathroom, so if you have a weak stomach, you might need to skip these...

Why yes, that is a cast iron bathtub...and no, it did not leave this house in-tact.  This was probably the most troublesome part of the whole thing for me because you know it's going to look better, but it just looks really bad at this point.

And then....your new bathroom arrives on the back of a pick-up truck...

And suddenly, it all comes together and looks beautiful...

I put together a collage showing a few of my favorite features...

Rectangle Sink...feels very artsy
New Light more movie-star lighting
Custom-built cabinet with deep drawers that open all the way
Towel Ring...because we've lived here 8 years without one!
High-arching faucet...who knew I'd want this in the bathroom!
Why yes....that IS a ginormous shower-head and yes, it is fab.u.lous.
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